Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Fun way to improve your Times Tables

We are trying hard to learn our times-tables and division quickly. Go to the Mighty Maths page to practice using the games! Who knew maths could be such fun!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Riveting Reports

Community One are taking journalism to another level!
We are in the process of creating our own Newspaper the Team Tahi Times. Below are links to some useful online news websites. Remember to look for quotes, facts, photos, captions and explanations!
Happy Reading.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


We have been working hard learning how to draw scale maps, follow and write directions, use grid references and will soon be orienteering with compasses. We did a quick brainstorm of words we are commonly using. Go to our Mighty Maths tab, click on GeoNet and practice your geometry skills, you may want to use an Atlas too.

Team Tahi's Fair Test

Fair Test
Com 1 was investigating what the different reactions would be if you put a mentos in Coke. The coke's we used were Diet Coke, Flat Coke, Normal Coke and Coke Zero. We just used Mint flavoured mentos. The Fair Test was fun and the results were interesting. (Jack, Laura, Noah, Sophie)

A hypothesis is a prediction of what is going to happen. These were our predictions.
18 people thought normal coke would react the most
4 people thought that coke zero would react the most
Everyone thought that flat coke would react the least.
(Westen, Jazmin, Eve, Kate, Lochlan, Cassie)

Diet Coke left 970mls in the bottle
Normal Coke left 1200mls
Coke Zero left 1140mls
Flat Coke left 1500mls.
The flat coke did not react at all.
(Iain, Skye, Mikayla, Valdemar, Jamie S, Martina)


Flat coke did not react, diet coke had the biggest reaction and coke zero came second.
We thought the reaction was mainly to do with the carbon because there was no reaction in flat coke.
These are things that can change our results for example:
amount of coke, different flavoured mentos, size and shape of the bottle, amount of bubbles in the bottles.
(Paris, Shane, James, Kaleb, Jamie M

The first week of Term 2 was Science Week. We decided we wanted to look at the idea of fair testing. The coke/mentos experiment was the one the class decided on. Have a look at our video to see it in action.